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Työpajat klo 13.00 alkaen

Organisational practice, symbolism & imagination

Marcin Poprawski (Lecturer, Humak University of Applied Sciences, PhD).

Marcin Poprawski

Photo by Arek Berbecki

The workshop will focus on practical exercises that are designed as an extension of the notion of organisational symbolism by Antonio Strati and Silvia Gherardi, organisation sociologists. Symbolic approach to organisational cultures is characterized by special attention to organizational processes and to the intentions and values of participants in organizational life. Moreover the organisational culture (and its symbolic component) is the central area for understanding the specificity of creative, culture and art organisations that employ artists and creators. It is perceived as a condition impacting or controlling the relations of organisations’ members both inside and outside. These aspects will be addressed through the workshop meeting that is structured as a three part format with the introduction provided by the facilitator, group work and the summary.

The territory of Marcin Poprawski´s research and teaching activities belong to the shared land of the arts, culture and organisation. Main areas are cultural management, cultural policies, audience engagement, local cultural ecosystems, music festivals, management & aesthetics and the art & culture organisations. Recent projects Marcin was and are involved: a) CONNECT. Connecting Audiences in Europe (University of Deusto consortium); b) Festivalisation of values. Axionormative dimensions of music festivals. (AMU University Poznan), c) SMUP – Culture & Public Service Monitoring System (Association of Polish Cities & National Statistics Office)

Norms and games – present and possible future

Malin Gustavsson (CEO, Ekvalita) & Jana Pejoska (Researcher at the CICERO Learning research group – Learning, Brain and Technology, Helsinki University)

Malin Gustafsson & Jana Pejovska

The workshop aim is to unpack concepts about the design of digital products in regard to the ways in which the users relate to them. During this workshop we work in the theme of unconscious bias in the games, as well as reflect on the notions of power and responsibility in game creation, while having practical proposals on the ways to drive positive change. The workshop is built up around a hands-on interactive exercise. 

Malin Gustavsson, CEO at Ekvalita, is a highly appreciated and multi-skilled professional trainer that identifies herself as the bridge between theory and practice as she is transforming latest research into every day hands on inclusion work. Her 15 years of experiences in the field collect customers and collaboration partners from activist groups to top managers in international companies. 
Jana Pejoska, Researcher at the CICERO Learning research group – Learning, Brain and Technology, Helsinki University has worn different hats, from a designer, game architect, media researcher, university lecturer and CEO both in Finland and abroad. Her professional experience is wide and can be situated in the gaming industry and digital media production industry since the 2000s. In the last 7 years she has been mostly doing research through design at Aalto university and Helsinki University, a practice oriented study of digital communication and the role of technology as an intermediation for learning and affecting behaviours. 

You are live – Switcher Studio

Kari Keuru (Project manager in Virtalähde – digital event production, Project Manager and Senior Lecturer, Humak University of Applied Sciences).

Kari Keuru

The workshop consist the basics of live streaming. We’ll learn about streaming on iOS devices and we are testing Switcher-Studio. The workshop reviews the equipment used and accessories. The Goal of workshop is to get acquainted briefly with video shooting and audio techniques, share best practices and tips. And Finally we produce a short LIVE show by switcher studio.

Kari Keuru is coordinating Virtalähde (literally ‘power source’) a training program by Humak University of Applied Sciences that focuses on virtual event management. During the program, the participants learn how to implement a live streamed event and learn new ways to develop revenue models in a virtual environment.  The Virtalähde training program begins on 1 September 2020 and features noted Finnish professionals and specialists as instructors. The program consists of 10 individual meetings, each of which centers around a specific theme.

Työpajat klo 14.05 alkaen

How to use Diversity & Inclusion as a tool to grow and innovate?

Priyanka Banerjee (Diversity & Inclusion Coach, Co-founder, BusinessWiz Oy).

Priyanka Banerjee

This workshop will be very beneficial for the companies or teams looking to grow and innovate. Also, for individuals interested in the future of work. The workshop will consists of the following topics:
1. Benefits of having a diverse and international workforce.
2. How diversity and inclusion brings innovation and makes your company ready for the future of work? 3. Steps to nurture a diverse and inclusive workplace: In this section, we will understand what leaders and individuals can do in order to create a more diverse & inclusive workplace accompanied by some hands-on exercises.
4. The workshop ends with a brief on how to start implementing a workplace culture that is more diverse and inclusive by Awareness, Assessment and Action.

Priyanka Banerjee is a Diversity & Inclusion coach, a keynote speaker and the co-founder of BusinessWiz Oy. Her company BusinessWiz help organizations build more diverse and inclusive workplace culture, optimize diverse team’s performance and turn workplace diversity & inclusion into competitive advantages. She has a background as an Electronics & Communications engineer and worked for several years in the IT sector. Her experiences working with diverse individuals across the globe inspired her to become an entrepreneur with a mission to build inclusive workplaces with a focus on the technology industry. She has worked with over 50 leaders across the industry to help them understand the business case for diversity in their companies and how they can be ready for the future of work by becoming more inclusive.
Website: businesswiz.fi
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/priyankabanerjee07
Email: priyanka.banerjee@businesswiz.fi

Tulevaisuuden ennakointi kulttuuriorganisaatioiden strategiatyössä

Pasi Toivanen (Kulttuurituotannon lehtori, Humanistinen ammattikorkeakoulu, FM).

Pasi Toivanen
Mitkä tulevaisuuden muutokset vaikuttavat kulttuurialaan? Miten kulttuurialan organisaatioiden organisaatio voi seurata, arvioida ja uudistaa strategiaansa? Mitä tulevaisuudessa kannattaa tehdä? Työpajassa tehdään case-analyysejä kulttuurialan tulevaisuuden näkymistä ja hahmotellaan eri alojen kulttuuriorganisaatioille uusia strategioita, joilla voidaan vastata tulevaisuuden haasteisiin .

Pasi Toivanen on Humanistisen ammattikorkeakoulun kulttuurituotannon lehtori. Hänen erikoisalojansa ovat muun muassa digitaaliset kulttuurituotannot ja strateginen johtaminen Toivanen työskentelee tätä nykyä Humanistisen Ammattikorkeakoulun Kauniaisten kampuksella.